Child and Adolescent Health delivers a number of important free services to support families to raise happy, healthy children. Child Health Nurses offer assessments, screening, immunisation advice and support to all families with young children. Child health nurse clinics are running at the centre; come along and have your ‘Purple Book’ appointment.
To book for your Purple Book appointment please phone 1300 749 869 or via email or you can visit
For any questions or concerns you can speak direct to your Child Health Nurse for advice and about making appointments to discuss breastfeeding, sleep, settling, parenting groups, adjustment to parenting – both Mums & Dads!, immunisation, postnatal depression, introducing solids, childhood illnesses, managing behaviour, Community Services or any other topic to do with your child.
To speak to the Nurse direct at Rostrata please phone 9354 7846
For after-hours health advice and to locate an after-hours General Practitioner please call Health Direct 1800 022 222 or visit