RETIREES WA – Willetton Branch
Life begins in retirement! There has never been a better time to jump on board with what we are doing, and become a member of Retirees WA.
Retirees WA is a not-for-profit organisation with over 80 years experience working with, and advocating for, seniors. Our membership-based, self funded organisation is locally run in Western Australia ensuring that all services provided are suitably tailored to the local community. With over 5000 members and several branches spread throughout our state, it’s a great time to become a member of Retirees WA through our Willetton Branch.
To provide affordable lifestyle options for retirees in WA. There are a number of benefits of being a Retirees WA member:
- Member Advice– Help for any concerns and referrals to appropriate government departments.
- Social Club– Discounts on trips, shows and functions.
- Financial Advice– available by expert financial advisor.
- Villages– RWA have villages across the state and units are purchased on a “lease for life” basis.
- Joseph Banks Aged Care Facility– State of the art and fully accredited aged care facility located in Canning Vale.
- Funeral Fund– a low cost prepaid funeral plan.
Willetton Branch meet regularly at Rostrata Family & Neighbourhood Centre on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
General Enquiries:
Phone: (08) 9362 0100
Email: info@retireeswa.com.au
Website: www.retireeswa.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/retirees.wa
Willetton Branch Contact: Noel Daniels via email: noel25@iinet.net.au or phone: 0418 910 255