Fridays Fortnightly  10am – 12noon (School Terms Only)

The Australian Breastfeeding Association provides mothers with practical mother-to-mother support and information, enabling them to establish and continue breastfeeding, through a range of both free and member-only services. Free services include a national breastfeeding helpline, an informative website, attendance at local support groups, and online breastfeeding forums. Member-only services include email counselling, live web-chat, and antenatal breastfeeding classes (class fee $20).

Becoming a member of the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) can help you gain skills, confidence and overcome challenges so you can reach your breastfeeding goals. Whether you are pregnant, fully breastfeeding, partially breastfeeding, expressing or bottle-feeding, members benefit by having access to the complete range of ABA services. You can join online today at

Our local group meets up fortnightly on Fridays from 10am to 12 noon during school term. Whether you are awaiting the arrival of your first baby, breastfeeding or bottle feeding – all mothers, fathers, their children and friends are most welcome to attend all of our meetings and social gatherings. Our meetings are very informal and while a nominated topic is set for each meeting, there is always an opportunity to discuss other topics of interest within the group or individually with a counsellor. Tea and coffee is provided, however, if possible, a small plate of morning tea would be appreciated. Meetings are free and non members are welcome to come along.


Further information please visit       Facebook  BreastfeedinginWA